Why is my cat drooling?

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Cats drooling really can be from one extreme to another. On one paw, your cat could be extremely content and dribbling with joy. But on the other, it could really be a cause for concern. We can hopefully help spot the difference with these 6 reasons why your cat might be drooling:

Why is my cat drooling?

1. Your cat is unwell

Cats drooling could be a physical sign they are sick and in pain. Illnesses like gum disease and stomatitis can often cause drooling, so if your cat doesn’t seem like themselves and isn’t a usual drooler, it might be worth giving your vet a call.

2. Your cat has nibbled something unsavoury 

If your cat has taken a bit of something they really didn’t enjoy, this too can sometimes cause drooling. Drooling can help get rid of the bad taste in their mouths!

3. Your cat has something stuck in their throat 

It could be a tiny piece of grass, a bit of kibble or even something bigger if your cat is a little greedy. But any item stuck in your cat’s oesophagus or mouth could cause them to drool, as it becomes harder for them to swallow. If you sus[ect this is the case, this is definitely one for the vet to deal with!

4. Your cat is scared 

Unfortunately, fear is enough to cause your cat to drool, especially if they feel threatened. It is a natural response to stress, so try and get your cat out of its scary situation quickly to calm down, recover and stop the drooling.

5. Your cat is stressed or anxious 

Similar to fear, anxious cats may also drool as a response to discomfort. Our four-legged pals don’t deal well with change, so even car trips to the vet or a stranger visiting the home could spark their anxiety and cause drooling. This should stop as soon as they’re out of the unknown situation.

6. Your cat is fully content 

Now this one is our favourite. You may have noticed before that if your cat is fully relaxed and happy, they start to drool a little. Kind of adorable, and often paired with making biscuits. Some cats are simply just droolers when they’re loving life.

As always, if any of your cat’s behaviour is out of the ordinary and worrying you, never hesitate to call your vet for advice! We hope you’ve all just got super content kitties on your hands, and don’t mind a bit of dribble. 


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