Why does my cat miss the litter box?

Read time: 2 mins

Although cats are some of the cleanest creatures on the planet, who pride themselves on keeping up appearances, there can be a struggle when it comes to toilet training. There are many reasons why your cat might be missing the mark on their trips to the bathroom. So what are they and how can you help your floof get on target?

Keep the tray clean

Like we mentioned, cat’s are naturally neat freaks, so missing the tray isn’t a choice they make lightly. Our pals on all fours have super sensitive noses and won’t want to go if the tray isn’t smelling so good. It’s so important to keep on top of cleanliness, so get scooping at least every other day. Poo protests could be a sign your cat isn’t content with going in a dirty tray, so scoop the poop and help keep them on point. On top of scooping, regularly cleaning out the tray and keeping it squeaky clean will hopefully keep them coming back.

Territorial teenagers

If your youngster is still a teen who’s yet to be neutered or spayed, this could be the answer as to why they’re suddenly opting to go outside of the box. As kittens mature into the teenage phase, they become more territorial and feel the need to mark their territory in the most impactful way – pee! How to curb it? Book an appointment with your vets to get them spayed/neutered asap. As well as making sure there’s no surprise litters of kittens you weren’t ready for, it improves the lifespan of your cat and can help kick the destructive toilet habits. They’ll feel less defensive of their turf and hopefully decide the tray is a more than adequate way to let everyone know whose house they’re in. 

Anxious accidents

Cats are pretty emotional creatures, and this can come into play when it’s time for the toilet. Cats need to feel safe and secure enough to use the loo. Their animal instincts kick in leaving them a little vulnerable so it’s important to make them feel as zen as possible in their tray. Ensure the litter box is placed in a quiet, calm corner of your home, away from noise and distractions and even further away from where they like to eat and drink. A private place to poop will hopefully make all the difference and encourage them back to the box. 

Picky poopers

We all know they’re difficult. You purchase the plushest new bed, they hate it. Treat them to a new toy, they hate it. And maybe even try out a new tray, guess what? They hate it! If you’ve changed their toilet and they’ve suddenly started missing the tray, the truth is your furball simply may just not approve of your interior design choices. How to change it? Switch up their set-up. Try a new litter. Try a new box, enclosed, open top – whatever it takes to get them on target! There’ll be a combination that works, you’ve just got to find it. 

Illness and age

We’ve established the easy fixes, but if none of the above sounds quite right it could be that your cat has an illness or infection causing them to miss. Bladder infections, arthritis, bowel disease or simply old age are all reasons that could cause accidents at home. It’s always worth getting your little one to the vet ASAP if you suspect something isn’t right. If old age is the answer, look into more accessible tray designs for your OAP (Old Age Pussycat). Try giving them more than one spot to make trips to the toilet as easy as possible as they age gracefully. 

Our final tip is to ensure any accidents are cleaned up as thoroughly as possible. Cats are known to return to the scene of the crime but specialist pet cleaners are available to ensure the smells are stomped out and your cat won’t be inclined to re-offend!


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