Why do cats hate water?

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A tale as old as time, cats and water don’t mix, but is this really factual or just a myth? We can’t say we’ve ever seen a cat enthusiastically dive into the bath, but is it something to do with their DNA that really makes them hate H2O?

Water weighs cats down

When water touches a cat’s fur, the cat will feel weighed down by the excess damp. For such slinky souls, the idea of being slowed down isn’t a fond one and a furry wetsuit isn’t what the cats are after.

Cats don’t like the smell of water

A cat’s sense of smell is second to none, and although water might seem perfectly fine to us mere humans, a cat can smell the chemicals in our tap water which can be enough to put them off. Cats take pride in their coats, and the idea of being submerged in a smelly liquid that they’re not familiar with isn’t appealing.

It’s not in a cat’s nature to swim

Historically speaking, cats don’t seem to have a particularly professional background in swimming. There isn’t much in the past to suggest our domestic kitties’ ancestors had any need to swim, living in much drier climates which didn’t call for crossing rivers as such. Later they boarded vessels to cross oceans though with specific rat-catching duties – perhaps they simply outsmarted swimming.

Cats don’t like being told what to do

Our favourite furballs really do have a streak of control freak running through them, and being submerged in water makes them feel especially out of control and unhappy! Slippery surfaces and soggy coats throw off their feline instincts and leave them in the lurch until they dry off, which cats can find a little stressful.

Do any cats like water?

For most cats water is a no-no, but there are always a few exceptions to the rule. Here a couple of breeds that are a little more daring when it comes to having a dip:

  • Abyssinian
  • Maine Coon
  • Turkish Van

These three adventurers are a little more waterproof than our regular moggies and if you leave a tap running around them you might discover them dipping in a paw or four. 

How does your cat do underwater? Let us know in our Facebook Group.


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