What 5 human foods can you feed your cat? And 5 you should absolutely avoid!

If you’re like us and enjoy sharing a snack or two with your favourite feline, then this article is for you. It can be pretty hard to say no to those furry faces. But it’s important to know which human foods are healthy to share with your cat and which should be avoided. 

First of all, let’s start with the healthy stuff. And the first snack might surprise you…

  1. Watermelon – it turns out watermelon is actually quite popular with the cats, especially during the warmer months! Watermelon is safe for cats, and can be enjoyed as a refreshing summer snack in small quantities, due to its high sugar content. 
  2. Blueberries – sticking with the fruit, it turns out sharing blueberries with your cat is also safe! Packed with antioxidants, blueberries are actually great to balance out your cat’s diet and give them some goodness. They even make a pretty fun toy to roll and pounce on. We wouldn’t recommend exceeding 2 or 3 berries though, pass them the punnet but remember moderation is key. 
  3. Cucumber – despite the many videos online suggesting cucumbers are cats’ true nemesis, they are safe for your cat to consume once defeated. A great source of vitamins, as well as aiding hydration and even digestion, cucumbers are cool for cats. We can’t promise they’ll be too enthusiastic about the offering though. Always peel off the skin before feeding to your cat. 
  4. Scrambled eggs – breakfast for two you say? Well if your feline is tempted by your brekky, scrambled eggs are on the safe list! Only as an occasional treat, and thoroughly cooked through, a little scrambled egg now and then gets the ok for the cats. 
  5. Cooked fish – although it may seem obvious with a cat’s carnivorous nature, cooked fish is another human food you can share with your cat. We’re sure they’ve made it known that fish is a favourite already, so this can be the go-ahead you need to share a little sole. Fish is full of omega 3 and oil that’s great for your cats’ joints, as long as the fish is cooked through without any added salts and spices. 

Now you know what is safe, let’s move on to five foods that are strictly for humans only!

  1. Grapes – back to the fruit. Although some fruit is deemed safe for cats, grapes and raisins should absolutely be avoided. Highly toxic for our kittens, even a tiny amount can be dangerous, so keep the grapes for yourself!
  2. Chocolate – although delicious for us humans, chocolate is another toxic food to add to the no-share list. Chocolate is super harmful to both cats and dogs, and can even be fatal. Keep that treat cupboard securely locked away from sneaky paws. 
  3. Onions and garlic – arguably some of the most staple ingredients of a human household, these two foods are another family toxic to cats. The allium family can break down a cat’s red blood cells, which in turn can lead to anaemia. Avoid!
  4. Cheese – infamously cats are known to adore milk, but it turns out most of our feline friends are essentially, lactose intolerant. That won’t stop them though, so make sure you stash your dairy products and stick to the Dreamies for that ‘cheesy’ fix.
  5. Caffeine – ok so it’s not strictly a food, but any product containing caffeine should be strictly avoided when it comes to cats. Although it might seem adorable to share a sip of your morning latte with your furry housemate, caffeine can cause high blood pressure and cardiac issues in cats. Cats love to be lazy, so there really is no need for a caffeine fix. Keep the coffee to yourself!

What did we miss? Share your thoughts on what food should and shouldn’t be shared with your cats here in our community!


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