Saturday Morning Coffee with Stacey

Read time: 2 mins

Tell us the story of Goose and Peach, how did you guys meet?

I picked up Goose in Wales about two years ago. He’s a gorgeous ginger ragdoll cross – as soon as we saw pictures of him we just knew he had to come home with us. And Peach is the newest addition to the clan. Someone from work was asking if anyone wanted a purebred ragdoll kitten, so of course I had to go visit her. 

What nicknames do you have for Goose and Peach?

Goosey, Goosifer (read: lucifer if he’s been particularly naughty), Mr. Poopy Butthole (this one speaks for itself), Peachy Pudding, Pudding, Stinky.

Talk us through your typical Saturday morning routine

HA, I’d love to have a chilled Saturday morning, dreaming right now of a lovely lie in. Reality is that Peach will wake us up at 5:30am and after a few snuggles I’ll go to lock her out so we can get a few more hours of sleep (which she’ll hate and scream until we re-open the door). Goose is completely oblivious to all of this, and will still be snoozing when we inevitably get up. A spot of post-breakfast zoomies always ensues until Peach is ready for the first snooze of the day (who can blame her, she was up at the crack of dawn). I take a coffee back to bed then.

What is your Saturday Morning Anthem?

It would have to be The Chain – that gets me ready for the weekend unlike anything else

What’s the coolest cat person thing you have in your house?

Oh, my super talented pal painted a picture of Goose that brings me joy every day. 

What’s a sneaky snack you probably shouldn’t feed your cat but you secretly do?

Goose goes nuts for any type of melon or apple. I’ve never seen a cat love fruit before but he LOVES it. Peach loves basically all human food but her favourites are cheese and popcorn.

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