Saturday Morning Coffee with Melanie

Read time: 2 mins

A sunny Tuesday morning was declared delightful after our phone call with Melanie. Freshly brewed coffee and cat chats, sounds pretty perfect to us.

Tell us the story of Stubby, how did you guys meet?

We met about a year ago, he was rescued from Stubbington by the Cat Welfare Group (which I ended up naming him after) – I think he’s about 6 and a half years old. I’ve had cats my entire life, and after I moved out of my family home I really missed having them around. I needed a cat who would be happy indoors as I live in a flat; Stubby has a condition which means he’s sensitive to light so is unable to be outdoors so it worked out perfectly. 

What do you do for a living?

Well, I’m actually at uni studying Civil and Environmental Engineering but I tutor over weekends and evenings.

If you could do anything in the world for work what would you do?

I’d love to go into something around carbon footprint and human impact on the environment. There’s so many small things we can do day-to-day to help our planet, such as cycling and walking more instead of hopping in the car for a 5 min drive. 

Talk us through your Saturday morning, what is your routine?

Usually I’ll wake up, go and do Parkrun (which is 5K), then treat myself to some brunch then smash out some uni work in the afternoon before snuggling up with Stubby and a book in the evening.

If you had £5 to spend on a Saturday, what would you buy?

Is it bad to say a cinnamon bun?? Specifically the ones from Lidl bakery that are about 60p – they’re so good and honestly it’s a fail-safe snack. If you’re giving me a fiver I’ll buy a few!

Does Stubby live life to any kind of routine? 

Oh he definitely does. It’s 7:30am breakfast – you best believe he will drag us out of bed to feed him if we’ve slept in! And strictly a 5pm dinner – if I’m out and don’t get back in time I’ll come home to find him sitting patiently by his bowl. 

If Stubby was a character in a film or TV show, who would he be?

Scooby Doo 100%. He’s so nosey and curious but also loves a good snack and is extremely food-driven.

What does Stubby hate?

He’s actually terrified of flies, he really can’t stand them, he’ll run away and hide until i get rid of them! Most cats’ dream is his literal nightmare.

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