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We got chatting to Lauren over a coffee all about how she went to shelter with every intention to temporarily foster cats, to giving a cat named Foster his forever home.
Tell us the story of Foster, how did you guys meet?
Myself and my daughter moved away when she was 16. She came home crying one day and begged me for a kitten, she just wanted “something to love who would love her back”! I really didn’t want a kitten but how are you supposed to say no to that? So after much deliberation I agreed we’d look into fostering. We drove to the local rescue centre and they told us we would have to apply online. As we were already there, they asked if we would like to make a donation and have a wander round and see all the dogs and cats waiting for rehoming. Rookie mistake. As soon as I saw 11 year old Foster, curled up sleeping in his unit, something just clicked and I fell in love. My daughter agreed he was lovely even though he wasn’t a kitten. We applied to adopt him there and then. So instead of fostering cats like we’d planned, we came home with a cat called Foster instead! It was meant to be, he was made for us and we all love him to pieces!
Does Foster have any adorable nicknames
Foz, Fozzy, Fozwoz, Sexy cat – when he does his sexy begging pose, more on that later… Chicken cat and Cat.
What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?
I love not having to rush and get up on the weekend so I tend to have a lie in and once I’m up, I’ll hang the washing out whilst drinking a black coffee. Sometimes I’ll treat myself to some sausages and eggs too. If the weather is lovely I’ll sit and eat them outside with my coffee.
If you had £5 to spend on anything over a weekend, what would you buy and why?
I’d probably go to the local garden centre and buy a plant to add to the garden. You can never have too many plants and I’m always looking to improve my collection both indoor and outdoor, cat friendly of course!
What’s your Saturday anthem?
Does your cat live life to any kind of schedule?
Yes, very much so, he loves a routine but his schedule changes depending on the season. During the summer, he’ll spend the day sleeping in the garden. He has two spots – either his garden bean bag or in my Dwarf Lilac plant pot. As soon as he hears his humans are up, he runs into the kitchen for his breakfast. During the colder months, he has his indoor bean bag in the kitchen that he sleeps on – bean bags are his fave. As soon as he’s eaten, he goes off over the fence but it’s not long before he’s back to sleep again in one of his two favourite spots. In the winter he chooses to sleep on my daughter’s bed during the day. Come about 5pm, he will, without fail, come and find one of his 3 humans and ask for his dinner.
What’s a sneaky snack you probably shouldn’t feed your cat but you secretly do?
Cheesy dreamies are his favourite treat. He often comes in at about 10pm and lays in a sexy pose – hence Sexy Cat – with his paws bent, as if he’s begging. We’ve learnt this is his way of asking for the sacred Dreamies.
Is there anything your cat hates with a passion?
Water. He will leg it as soon as he sees me with the garden hose, not that he’s ever been sprayed! But he’s very dramatic and behaves as if I’ve tortured him on many occasions. That and belly tickles – they’re strictly off limits!

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