Saturday Morning Coffee with Karishma

Read time: 2 mins

Karishma met up with us for coffee to tell us all about her little cat family, Eevee and Cornelius and what they get up to on their weekends in Wembley.

You’re blessed with two cats, tell us all about them!

Cornelius is 13 and Eevee is 3, it’s quite the age gap. We’ve had Cornelius his whole life and Eevee was a lockdown baby. Our boy is an old grandad but Eevee definitely keeps him on his toes. She is a beautiful Maine Coon. She is very shy around new people but also super friendly and is a complete chatterbox once she’s comfortable!

Ahh, a little lockdown baby, did Eevee arrive whilst you were working from home?

That’s right, I have an office job so work from home in Wembley and the pandemic weirdly gave us the perfect time to grow our cat family. My dream job would be working as a vet though because I truly love animals.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine with your house full?

I always start the mornings with a cup of tea and usually follow this by cleaning the house (especially with all the cat fur everywhere). Eevee loves to play hide and seek so I always make time for a game or two and then typically I meet up with friends for lunch out (my favourite part of the day). In the evening, I often have dinner with my parents followed by a chill night at home with the furballs.

Do you have a Saturday go-to anthem to start your day right?

Confessions part 2 by Usher, every time!

Back to the cats, is there a sneaky snack you probably shouldn’t feed your cat but you secretly do?

I feel like it’s a classic cat favourite, but they both love to finish off my yoghurt by licking the tub clean.

As a cat person through and through, what’s the coolest cat-person thing you have at home?

Not so much a thing, but they each have specific seats on our sofa. They always sit in the same place, I guess it’s just part of their everyday routine but I think it’s super cute.

So sweet! Sofa spots that they love, but is there anything either of them hates with a passion?

I’m sure this is a pretty common answer from cat people, but they both absolutely despise the hoover. As soon as it comes out, they sprint out of the room and we won’t see them again until it’s been put away. 


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