Saturday Morning Coffee with Joanne

Read time: 2 mins

A classic work from home set up, videos switched on, coffee brewed and poured, ready to chat about cats – could life get much better?

What are your cat’s names?

I have Django (Maine Coon), who’s five years old and Princess Ruby, (Norwegian Forest cat), who’s fifteen. Princess Ruby is named after a previous cat’s nickname – I promised myself once I got another cat I would name them in memory of my sweet Missy, who I always called Princess. We’re huge Tarantino fans – Django is a direct result of our fandom, although we do sometimes tell people it’s after the Jazz musician Django Reinhardt.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

My other half usually takes our dog Walter out for a walk and gets the paper first thing – I’m usually feeding the cats while they’re out. We’ll then sit and have breakfast together and read. We love having something like waffles and fruit with a really nice cup of coffee – my go-to is a flat white. 

If you’re in a ‘treat yourself’ mood on a Saturday, what would you do/ buy?

We’ve got 4 grandchildren who are 8, 6, 4 and 2 – so I’d go visit them and spend some quality family time. One thing which is a total luxury (which only happens once in a blue moon) is being able to sit and read the newspaper cover to cover – what an absolute delight to have that time and space. Oh, and I’d probably go out for dinner too! There’s a really great Italian place near me that do pizzas to die for!

If you had £5 to spend on a Saturday, what would you buy?

I must sound like a total weirdo but I’d go but some birdseed to go feed the birds. Django loves being in the garden – he has his own little pen to run around in. He sits and stares at the birds for hours.

Django, 5, in his pen

What’s their favourite snack (which they probably shouldn’t have)?

For some reason, Django loves eating plastic. We’re having to hide anything with plastic packaging from him so he doesn’t munch on it. He had to have surgery because of it once and we honestly don’t know how to stop him! Both of them have zero interest in human food, just the packaging it comes in!

What do they hate?

Django hates it if you look at him when he’s not in the mood to be looked at. A total diva.

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