Saturday Morning Coffee with Isa

Read time: 3 mins

Nothing says perfection quite like spending your Friday afternoon chatting to a fellow cat human on a video call with their cat in the background. The day was drawing to a close, you could nearly smell the faint whisper of a pub. This is what it was like catching up with Isa and her cat, TC.

Tell us the story of TC, how did you guys meet?

I rescued him back in October last year (2021) and we’ve been best pals ever since. I wasn’t even allowed to meet him before we adopted him because of covid, so the first time we met him he was already ours.

Don’t get me wrong, he was nervous at first, constantly shaking and really shy, but after a few weeks he warmed up to us and now cannot be without us. 

What does TC stand for?

We’re not too sure, his previous owner passed away and no one knew what it was short for. We assume it’s for Top Cat but we’ve thought of others since he’s been with us. Tiger Cub, Thomas Cromwell, Teeth and Claws and sometimes even just THE Cat.

Talk us through your Saturday morning, what is your routine?

I’ll wake up around 7/8AM, sort out TC (you know the drill with litter) and then put some breakfast out for him. Once he’s all set up I’ll pour myself some coffee (I’m currently loving this Latvian coffee which I picked up from a recent holiday there), grab some toast and settle with TC in front of the telly and catch up on my favourite shows. I’m currently loving Glow Up and The Boys

If you had £5 to spend on a Saturday, what would you buy?

There’s a Scandinavian concept called Fika – which means spending time in the afternoon to pause and have coffee and cake. I think it’s something we should embrace more here in the UK. I’d go somewhere lovely like Daniel Farm and have a cappuccino and chocolate cake. 

If you’re in a ‘treat yourself’ mood on a Saturday, what would you do/ buy?

One of the things I look forward to most on a Saturday is not even looking at my laptop, not having to sit by a screen is the best thing. If I was in a super treat myself mode I’d either go shoe shopping for stilettos or I’d go to the cinema and watch a film. I love anything Marvel (especially Thor)!

What’s TC’s favourite snack (which he probably shouldn’t have)?

Cream cheese (but honestly, anything off my plate when I’m eating dinner. Sometimes when he’s very lucky he’ll get some KFC chicken with the coating taken off).

If TC was a character in a film or TV show, who would he be?

John Wick. He’s nice to friends and quite quiet but honestly he’ll go mental if he sees a pigeon.

What does TC hate?

Being alone! It sounds cliche but honestly he hates being apart from us (even if that’s just different floors of the house) – he has to stay close. Also if you try to put a harness on him he just turns 2D and melts into the floor. He can’t stand it!

Does TC sleep in his bed? Where’s his favourite place to snooze?

Absolutely not; I’ve never been able to get him to sleep in a cat bed. He does love his radiator hammock though to keep himself toasty so I guess that’s a win! He’s also a sucker for sunshine so any spot in the sun is his go-to.

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