Saturday Morning Coffee with Danielle

Saturday morning coffee – Danielle and her cats Zephi, Tinker and Skittles

Read time:  3 mins

With not one, but three kitties under her roof, Danielle has quite the cat pack at home. We got chatting about the beauty of weekend rituals and what it’s like living with so many moggies.

Tell us the story of your cats, how did you guys meet?

Well Zephi came first – she’s ancient now at the grand age of 19. I’ve had her since birth, and now she’s living out her retirement years, super deaf and super grumpy. Skittle and Tinker only came on to the scene this year, our newest additions. We adopted them from a family friend who could no longer take care of them, they’re around 5/6 years old.

Do you have any nicknames for them?

It’s only really Zephi that has a nickname, and that’s either Zephster or HateBeast. I was serious when I said she was grumpy and really doesn’t get on with the two newbies. 

What do you do for a living?

I actually work in Law, so it does get pretty busy. My first ever job though was working in a deli where you were obliged to sample all the cheese – so that you could advise customers, of course! Those were the days. 

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

Normally I get up and the first thing I do is collect the cat bowls and clean them. I have to feed the cats separately, so normally I’ll feed Zephi in the living room and then Tink and Skittle eat in the kitchen. The cats always come first in my day. Zephi also gets watery milk on the side, which I credit as part of the secret to her unnaturally long life.

What’s your Saturday anthem?

Weezer – Pork and Beans

If you had £5 to spend on anything over a weekend, what would you buy and why?

I’m obsessed with our local bento place, so it would have to be a tub of their delicious katsu curry and rice for a tasty weekend treat.

If you were in a total ‘treat yourself’ mood over the weekend, what would you do?

I love the cinema so I think I would definitely head there and be sure to grab a big bag of sweets to go with the film. Obviously these would have been demolished by the first trailer, that’s usually the case…

Have you always loved cats?

I’ve grown up with cats my whole life, so yeah I guess I have always been a cat person at heart. My husband tells me I am a magical cat whisperer, which I’ll take for sure. They just seem to know they can trust me, I think some people just have a more catty vibe about them.

Zephi looking out the window.

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