Read time: 2 mins
Tell us the story of Kitty and Colin, how did you guys meet?
I was working at Glasgow Vet School when one day a litter of kittens were dumped on the doorstep. All the vets and nurses were fighting over the girl cats, leaving the one boy cat behind. You guessed it, it was Colin – I considered him a housewarming gift to my new life in Scotland. Kitty came a year later when a cat in the rescue centre attached to the Vets I worked at went into labour and had 3 tiny kittens. They were all adopted by the nurses who delivered them.
If you could do anything for work in the world, what would it be and why?
I’d be a Vet Nurse in Disney’s Animal Kingdom Florida! My 2 favourite things in one place – Disney and animals!
What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?
I’ll start my Saturday with Crunchy Bran and a Nespresso coffee (either the Mexico capsules, or more recently the Pumpkin Spiced one). I’ll feed Colin and then I’ll do weekly meal planning and a big online shop (our go-to family meals are beef quesadillas or quorn chilli). Saturdays really are my ‘let’s get sorted’ day!
Kitty has feline dementia and spends her nights chewing everything (papers, the wall – literally anything) so she’ll have a lie in and arise in the afternoon.
If you had £5 to spend on anything over a weekend, what would you buy?
A lottery ticket! You never know – if I won I’d set up a cat rescue place in my garden
If you’re in a ‘treat yourself’ mood over the weekend, what would you do?
Without a doubt I’d get an Indian takeaway (usually tandoori chicken) and my favourite bottle of wine, which is currently a Pinot Grigio Blush.
What’s your Saturday anthem?
Put on anything by Dolly Parton and I’ll be happy. (*Adds to ultimate Saturday Anthem playlist*)
What’s a sneaky snack you probably shouldn’t feed your cat but you secretly do?
Colin loves vanilla yoghurt and Kitty would do anything for some crisps or prawn crackers