Saturday Morning Coffee with Blossom

Read time: 1 min

What’s better than a cat? Two cats obviously! We chatted over a brew with Blossom about having a house full with Tusk and Sazerac and what they get up to at the weekends.

What’s the story behind your pack of mini lions?

Not the usual story, my husband actually surprised me with them as a gift on Christmas day. It really was a surprise, but how can you resist two little kittens at Christmas?! Truly the perfect present.

If kittens are the perfect present, we take it you’ve always been a cat person through and through?

Always! I’ve grown up with them my whole life – usually having three or four at any one time, which is why I wasn’t put off by two arriving abruptly in my life at once. 

What does your typical Saturday morning routine look like with a couple of cats?

I wake up to cuddles from the kitties which keeps me in bed for a good half hour. Next is a latte, made by my husband – the cats will follow me from the minute I get up, they’re my little shadows. Then it’s a weekly brush session and playtime while we figure out what the plan for the day is. It’s always a pretty slow start on a Saturday for our house.

If you’re in the mood to treat yourself over the weekend, what’s your go-to?

My kind of treat weekend would usually involve going for a manicure shortly followed by a Sunday lunch out – with a mooch around some homewares shops along the way. Pampering, shopping and eating is a combination that cannot be beaten.

As well as treats for you, are there any sneaky snacks you feed your cats that you maybe shouldn’t?

Roast chicken is a big one, that’s if there’s any leftover though. And kitty sticks, which aren’t too naughty but they do have to earn them by sitting first.

Sitting cats is a first for us! Do your cool cats have any cool bits and pieces around the house?

Yes actually, the best thing we have for them is a cat scratchers in the shape of DJ decks!

And is there anything your cats hate, other than unoriginally shaped scratchers?

Being ignored. They pretty much do as they like throughout the day, but they’re very habitual about their scheduled ‘harass-for-fuss’ times and hate it if they go ignored.

Sticklers for routine, we love it. Last question, do the duo have any nicknames they go by at home?

Tosca, Tuskie, Tuscaloosa & Sazzy, Sir B

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