Read time: 2 mins
Tell us the story of Puss, how did you guys meet?
We found Puss 13 years ago when I was still little and living at home. We had just lost our last cat, Storm, and couldn’t stand not having a cat in the house. We saw an advert online for a bunch of kittens available and immediately piled into the car to go and see them. Once we saw Puss we knew we had to scoop him up and bring him home!
If you could do anything for work in the world, what would it be and why?
I already feel like I have my dream job – I work in marketing for Hermanos Colombian Coffee Roasters, after starting a love affair with coffee after working in cafes and coffee shops during my teen years.
What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?
I’ll roll out of bed and immediately put on some good music (my current favourite track is 54-46 Was My Number by Toots and The Maytals). I’ll then either make a coffee using my Hermanos beans at home*, or I’ll pop to my local Hermanos shop for an oat flat white. I’m not a huge breakfast person, but I’ll maybe have a bagel or some toast if I’m hungry then shower, get dressed and head out for a long walk and another coffee!
Have you always loved cats? Did you always know you were a cat person?
I’ve ALWAYS loved cats. We had our first cat when I was just a toddler, and I loved her so much. I love the independence of cats and the way you have to win them over a little bit. So yes, I’ve loved cats since day dot.
What’s a sneaky snack you probably shouldn’t feed your cat but you secretly do?
Hahahahaha… Roast chicken, every single time. I just can’t help it.
What does your cat hate with a passion?
The hairdryer. If the hairdryer is on, then Puss is out.
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