We recently found ourselves Googling how to wash a cat… we won’t go into detail as to why but with cats being so great at looking after themselves, we came a little stuck when it came to helping them out. So, find out with us, how do you wash a cat?!
In general, cats shouldn’t need to be bathed. They come equipped with a barbed tongue and are pretty capable of keeping themselves clean and pristine. However, on occasion you may need to bathe your cat; a little too much adventuring outdoors or an unusual accident in the litter tray. Who knows? But as a responsible cat owner, it doesn’t hurt to know exactly how to wash your cat should a situation occur.
Side note: Washing your cat won’t help with any human allergies! It’s usually the saliva of cats that humans are allergic to, not their fur or dander. So don’t subject them to the soggy experience unless necessary.
Cat bathing essentials:
- Specially formulated cat shampoo – do not use shampoo or conditioner you’d use on yourself. The scent and essential oils in our shampoos can irritate their skin or cause an allergic reaction.
- A non slip mat
- A scoop for water
- Treats for distraction
- Towels
- An extra pair of hands where possible!

Preparing your cat for a bath:
If your cat wasn’t bathed as a kitten, the likelihood is a bath will be a big shock to the system. – Brushing through their fur before bathing will help to remove mats and loose dirt.
- Trimming their nails will help to reduce any unwanted scratches, though we can’t promise this.
- Secure the area. Lock that bathroom door to avoid escapees, and maybe even consider using the sink rather than the bath/shower if it’s an easier area to manage.
- Stay calm. Animals pick up on our emotions, so stay cool as a cucumber and keep baths as short as possible.
How to bathe your cat:
- Fill your bath/sink with warm water, no more than 4 inches deep. Be sure to keep water warm and not hot so it isn’t too much of a shock, or uncomfortable for your cat.
- Pop a non-slip mat or towel at the bottom of the sink or bath to avoid unnecessary slips.
- Gently but firmly, lower your cat into the water. A good tip is to keep their back to you to avoid the claws and paws whilst you can.
- Rinse. Using your chosen scoop, gently scoop water over your cat. If you have a helper on hand, one of you can hold the cat whilst the other waters.
- Next up is applying the shampoo. Gently as always, lather in the shampoo, making sure to avoid your cat’s eyes and ears.
- Repeat the rinse, and ensure all traces of shampoo have been washed away to avoid irritation.
- Drying your cat is the next challenge. Towels should do a pretty good job, or even a hair dryer on a cool setting. But if your cat has reached their limits, they’ll be all good to air dry, as long as your house is cosy and warm.
- Treats, cuddles and reassurance should go a long way to keep your cat calm throughout the process.
- Brushing through their fur once dry will help with any tangles, especially for our long haired friends.
Be confident and good luck! It’s common for cats to hate water, so you won’t be alone if things don’t go swimmingly the first time round…
You can always find another cat parent to get tips and tricks from over on our private community group.