How to Grow Cat Grass at Home

Read time: 1.5 mins

Cat grass can be a super fun enrichment tool for your cat and it’s really simple to grow yourself at home. It’s also a great way to add natural vitamins to your cat’s diet. It tends to be a mixture of grasses including barley and wheatgrass and is thought to be a great digestive aid for our favourite floofs. Essentially, cat salad. 

So now you know what cat grass is, let’s learn how to grow cat grass at home, for a tasty snack for you and your cat to enjoy!

Super easy to get your hands on (usually from a pet shop or good old Amazon) cat grass kits will give you a simple step-by-step guide to growing the perfect grass.

How to grow cat grass:

  1. Sow the seeds – just like most plants, to get started you need to sow the seeds around a quarter of an inch deep into some soil (indoor or outdoor). If you opt for the outdoors, it’s best to plant your seeds in the springtime. 
  2. Germinate the seeds – it’s important to keep the soil moist and partially covered in clingfilm. You should leave seeds in a warm, dark place and after a few days should notice sprouts appearing.
  3. Move into the sunlight – once the sprouts have sprouted, the next step is to move your cat grass into direct sunlight to provide the best-growing conditions. A window sill is perfect for this.
  4. Firm the soil – firming the soil and keeping it evenly moist without overwatering will give your seedlings the best chance. 

After following these initial steps, it shouldn’t take too long for your grass to flourish and provide your cat with the perfect snack to nibble on. Always keep an eye out for any lingering pests, and keep on top of watering for optimum growth. And voila, your cat’s very own regenerating salad bar is born. It’s also a great alternative to distract your cat from nibbling on your favourite house plants! A great source of fibre for your furballs, and a fun project for you, guaranteed to provide endorphins once you see your furry pal munching. If you’d like to see a handy video instead, head here to see the whole process in less than a minute!


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