How to cat-proof your home at Christmas

Read time: 1.5 mins

Christmas is on the way but cats and Christmas can get a little complicated. Although spoiling them rotten with cuddles and catnip is top of the list, as responsible parents there are plenty of ways to keep your cat safe whilst enjoying the festivities with your feline.

How to make your home safe for your cat at Christmas:

  1. The tree – Though scaling your 8-footer is the number 1 annual conquest of most cats, it’s not without its risks (for your kitty as much as your ornaments). But heck, it’s Christmas, so just keep your eye on your spider-cat while they delight in their yearly tradition. In particular, watch for any nibbling – pines, decorations, presents under the tree – nothing’s off-limits as far as your cat’s concerned, all equally unpleasant in the tum. 
  1. Fairy lights – Tiny hypnotising little lights and their electric cord – all very appealing to our furry magpies. If you have a mog that’s inclined to munch, be sure to keep the lights out of reach of naughty paws to stear clear of burns and electric shocks.
  2. Tinsel and ribbons – yet another Christmas adornment that doubles up quite nicely as a cat toy. Tantalising as it is, tinsel is strictly not for ingesting. Hang those garlands high, and maybe opt for paper decorations instead.
  3. Candles and fires – it’s the perfect time of year for upping the ante on cosy afternoons and evenings in. Admire from a distance with your furpotato, think about a fire guard to stop any swiping, scoop them up and take them with you if you leave the room to avoid poorly paws and the smell of singed whiskers.
  4. Human food – our precious fur children are at the heart of our Christmases with zoomies through wrapping paper and a few special edible treats. Check which foods are safe for your cat’s consumption if you want to share a dish together – chocolate being a definite no go. 
  1. Safe space – if you’re inviting friends and family over this holiday, be sure to provide a safe space for your cat away from the festive frolics. Always keep a cosy corner free for your cat away from the crowds to snuggle up if it’s all too much (I might join my Rue for a time out too tbh). 

Cats are the perfect holiday companion, simply cat proof your home up front and let it be a very, merry Christmas!


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