Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Read time: 1 min

We know Siri is getting pretty exhausted with answering endless questions about which foods your cat can eat, but do not fear, the Republic is here! And today we’re asking can cats eat watermelon?

An absolute favourite summer fruit, a perfect refreshing bite for the humans when the sun is up, but can we say the same for the cats? Well, the easy answer is yes! Your cats can get cronching on the good stuff safely. The juicy fruit is non-toxic to kittens and cats alike, but the seeds certainly are so be sure they’re only nibbling on the safe, seedless flesh. 

Obviously, watermelon isn’t an absolute essential to the feline diet, but that doesn’t mean to say they can’t enjoy the odd bite or two. Though we would say those furballs on the chubbier side should maybe give the melon a miss. Watermelon though full of nutrients is also super high in sugar so isn’t the best for overweight cats or those with diabetes. Those cats that can enjoy a slice of the goodness shouldn’t consume too much themselves. As cats don’t require fruit as part of their diet, too much can cause stomach upsets so it is safer to stick to teeny treat-sized bites. 

So even if watermelon is safe for your floof, do remember that they may not all enjoy it as much as we do! Cats are tricky enough customers when it comes to their dinner at the best of times, so don’t force the fruit if it isn’t to their liking. If however, they are super into their new summery snack, then please do send videos our way! There’s nothing more hilarious than watching cats munching through watermelon on our lunch break.


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