Can Cats Eat Chocolate?

Read time: 1 min

It’s fairly common knowledge that chocolate is dangerous for dogs and strictly off the menu. But can cats eat chocolate? Though it’s a super tasty treat for us humans, chocolate can hold a high toxicity for animals so let’s find out whether or not chocolate is safe for cats to eat.

Can my cat eat chocolate?

In short, it’s a definite no! Chocolate ingredients include caffeine and theobromine which can be super dangerous for our kitties and even in some cases fatal if a very large quantity is consumed. These ingredients are highly toxic to our favourite felines so chocolate is a no-go. The higher the level of cocoa content, the higher the danger but it’s best to be avoided altogether. 

Signs of chocolate poisoning in cats

If you’re worried your cat might have eaten chocolate, here’s what to look out for and when to call your vet:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Restlessness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Excessive thirst
  • Panting
  • Seizures or tremors

If your cat is acting out of sorts and showing any of these symptoms, it is always worth calling your vet to be on the safe side.

To avoid your cat being in any danger of chocolate toxicity, keep all your sweet treats safely stored away from prying paws. Especially around those times of the year when chocolate is all around us, Christmas, Easter etc be sure to keep the chocolate behind closed doors!


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