Can cats drink tea?

Read time: 1 min

It may be a question you’ve pondered before, snuggled up on the sofa with a cuppa. Your furry pal trying to sneak a sip of whatever the good stuff is in your mug. But is it OK for cats to drink tea?

Caffeine poisoning in cats

If you ask the medical professionals, you’d get a straight no. Caffeine should never be ingested by cats in any form. Just small amounts can make them sick, so if you catch them with their head in your mug, it’s best to stop them pronto. Caffeine can cause toxicity poisoning, and if you sense something isn’t right with your fluffball here’s what to look out for:

  • Panting
  • Vomting
  • Hyperactvity
  • Restlessness
  • Elevated heart rate

Can cats drink herbal tea?

If you’re desperate to bond with your cat over a cuppa, then herbal teas aren’t totally out of the question. Diluted herbal teas cooled down to a cat friendly temperature can have great benefits if your pal enjoys them. Teas like echinacea and chamomile are safe for the kittens to sip. If you’re really wanting to treat them, you can follow our step by step guide on how to brew them their own catnip tea at home here!


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