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A tale as old as time. Cats vs Dogs. Destined to be arch-enemies until the end of time. But is this a rivalry based on true facts, or simply just a myth to bust and secretly these two species can grow to be the best of friends?
Cats vs Dogs
In reality, cats and dogs aren’t really mortal enemies. True, they may not always get along. But this actually comes down to simple miscommunication rather than pure hatred. Although dogs are domesticated, their natural prey drives to chase small animals has been encouraged over time by humans using them as working animals. The enthusiasm to chase will differ from breed to breed, but often it’s in a dog’s nature to chase if it sees a furry feline darting in the distance. Cats tend to opt for their flight response and flee when they see an approaching canine. It really is just in their nature. With opposite instincts, it’s easy to see how their relationship can be interpreted as unfriendly. It’s easy for wires to cross when your behaviours and boundaries are so different. Dogs will sniff butts to say hello and bound around with excitement, whereas for cats this is a very unwelcome greeting and the most excitement you’ll get is a swish of a tail.
But in the age of the world wide web, a simple YouTube or TikTok search will show you endless adorable videos of cats and dogs living side by side, best of friends. When the two are brought up together in the same home, they adapt and grow to understand each other and live comfortably. It may not always be sunshine and roses, but they certainly can learn to cohabit and get along as a family. Often roles will reverse, and the dog will end up more scared of the cat. Undeniably they’re the true boss of all of us.
We like to term them frenemies – friends/enemies. They might act like they loathe each other, but if you have both under one roof you’re more than likely to catch them snuggling up together once they’ve come around.
Myth – busted!