Fussy cats: a guide

Read time: 1.5 mins

If you’re struggling with a fussy cat, we’ve got a few tips together to help. There are many different reasons your cat may be fussy, so these are just a few ways you might be able to encourage your kitty to clear the plate, especially when trying out new recipes.

Sensitive to smell

Cats are super sensitive to anything new, especially scents. Trying out new food can be confusing for your cat and new smells and flavours can throw them off. A great tip we’ve discovered if your pussycat is picky is to warm up their meal. In the wild they would be used to catching and eating their prey whilst it’s still warm, so why not try adding a little hot water to their dish before serving up supper and get their taste buds tingling!

Food and Water

Cats are very instinctual and where you leave their water bowl could be enough to put them off their next meal. In the wild, cats would never choose to eat and drink in the same location. Our little friends’ instincts tell them their water could be contaminated by their food. Try moving their food and water bowls into separate spaces and hopefully you will notice a difference.

Stick to the schedule

What’s noticeable to most cat humans is their adorable little routines. Cats are huge creatures of habit and this is especially true of meal times. Sticking to their schedule should help overcome fussiness over time. Keep to the same times, in the same place and they will feel safer and relaxed at supper. 

Room for whiskers 

Whiskers are a finely tuned piece of equipment attached to your favourite’s fluffy face. They help your cat navigate around spaces and aid vision. When we’re serving up their grub, it’s actually super important to consider your cat’s crockery. The edge of a bowl can trigger lots of sensations through their whiskers and can easily overwhelm your cat. Opting for a shallow and wide dish will eliminate this discomfort and allow your moggy to munch in peace.

Outdoor hunters

If your cat likes to return home with ‘presents’ at your back door, this could be top of the list when it comes to why they deny their dinner. It’s tricky to know if your little hunter hasn’t already filled up on ‘outside snacks’ and ruined their appetite. They may seem fussy, but they simply might be full.

Little and often

Our cats’ are natural grazers, and in the wild would eat up to 12 small meals a day.  Some cats might simply struggle with the ‘2 meal a day’ schedule so mixing up the way you feed your friend might help them adjust to more formal meal times. Instead of a full bowl of kibble, try drip feeding a little at a time through the day to boost their enthusiasm.

These tips will hopefully help to nail it for your fussy cat so they can enjoy their lunch just as much as you do.



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