Tips for grooming long-haired cats

Read time: 2 mins

Long-haired cats truly are the divas of the feline world. With glorious manes and an attitude to match, these regal floofs can be pretty high maintenance when it comes to keeping up appearances. Of course cats do groom themselves, but those with a little extra fabulousness may need some human help. So here’s some tips for grooming long-haired cats if you’re lucky enough to have one as your housemate:

  1. Invest in a good cat brush – you may need to try out a few tools before you find the perfect fit for your cat, but investing in a great brush or comb is essential to successfully groom your long-haired lynx on the daily.
  1. Set up a cat grooming schedule – it may sound excessive but having a routine and sticking to it will really help keep your cat’s coat in pristine condition. Cats thrive off routine, so they will get pretty used to a regular schedule, and no doubt be waiting for you by the brush for their 3.30pm appointment. It also makes for great bonding time for the two of you.
  2. Check for knotting and mats – our long-haired lovelies are far more prone to matting than their shorter-furred counterparts. Their lush locks are easily tangled, which is why brushing is SO important. But if you do come across any tough knots or mats that can’t be tackled with a comb, then a DIY haircut isn’t what we suggest. Mats can be close to the skin and dangerous to attempt to remove with scissors in case you harm your cat. Vets or professional groomers are always on hand to help with these more tricky scenarios to keep your kitty comfortable and safe from the scissors.
  3. Choose a healthy diet – feeding your cat the best possible diet will not only keep them nourished but also improve things like shedding and get that coat extra glossy. Complete meals (like all of our Republic recipes) are packed full of nutrients to give their coat a super healthy shine.
  4. Keep on top of cleaning – when we said high maintenance we really meant it. But even keeping on top of your own housekeeping will help your long-haired feline. Loose hairs they shed can end up tangled back into their fur which could lead to mats. Invest in a pet-specific vacuum and hoover up those hairs as quickly as they fall from your fur child.

Staying on top of all of these pointers will hopefully keep your pussycat preened to the max, and their flowing, healthy locks will be enough to dazzle the neighbourhood. If your cat isn’t used to being groomed, then be sure to introduce them to the brush slowly with lots of encouragement and treats on hand so they soon become desensitised and reap the rewards.



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