Saturday Morning Coffee with Amin and Susana

Read time: 1 min

Tell us the story of Berry and Prima, how did you guys meet?

Two years ago I got a message from my friend about a new litter of kittens who were all up for adoption. Berry was one of them. The litter was in Portugal, but by this time I was too attached to say no. Berry got a passport and came home to us last year. A month later we found Prima on a rescue site. 3 days later she came to live with us too.

What nicknames do you have for them?

Berry’s a tad on the larger side (8kgs) so we call him Big Boy or Potato (oops). We call Prima Squirrel because she has a big fluffy tail.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

We wake up to our natural alarm clocks (our cats) between 7am and 8am – the only way to turn off the alarm is through vigorous petting and cuddles. We all then mosey down for breakfast, we’ll have a cappuccino and toast with butter then we’ll play with the cats outside for a bit. 

If you had £5 to spend on anything over a weekend, what would you buy and why?

There’s this really great cat cafe near us that we love to go to – they charge a small entrance fee so our fiver would go on that. But once we’re there we’d absolutely have to have a coffee and slice of cake – it would be rude not to! Who can resist a cappuccino with a cat design on it?! 

What’s the coolest cat person thing you have in your house?

Where to start… We have so many!! Mugs, socks, shirts, notebooks, umbrellas and even plates with cat faces on them. 

What’s your Saturday morning anthem? 

Literally anything by Coldplay 

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