Saturday Morning Coffee with Jimmy

Read time: 2 mins

This Saturday, we sat down with Jimmy – long time pal to the Republic and step-father to Rue, an extra floofy Tabby/Bengal goddess who lives in London with her two cat parents.

Tell us the story of Rue, how did you guys meet?

Rue and I were introduced by mutual cat mother and girlfriend Lois. We got off to a slow start; Rue wasn’t too keen on a loud, stomping man being in her space, so spent a lot of time under the bed. However, over a carefully structured plan of chin scritches, a fabric mouse on a string, Dreamies and tactical ignoring she eventually warmed to me. It’s been 5 years of harmonious cohabitation ever since.

Does Rue have any adorable nicknames?

The Rooster, Rue-saurus Rex, Ruestinator

If you could do anything for work in the world, what would it be?

I’d be in a band. But not a really good one… One that’s a bit under appreciated in its own time. It would be cool if in 50 years people are listening to it as if it’s this hip retro sound that’s just getting popular again.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

After the obvious waking up bit (which usually happens around 8am), I’ll go make coffee and feed Rue and Claude (Rue’s canine, ‘inferior’ younger brother). Then, time to make me and Lois some breakfast – which is usually eggs whatever way is favoured that day. We’ll grab another coffee and take Claude out for a walk, leaving Rue behind for some much needed introverted alone time and zen.

If you had £5 to spend on anything over a weekend, what would you buy and why?

I would love to say a pint, but I live in London, so a lemonade.

Have you always loved cats? 

Yes. I had dogs as a kid, but got my first cat (Brutus) when I lived with a friend in Birmingham. I still love dogs, but cats bring restorative calm to daily life.

What’s the coolest cat person thing you have in your house?

I have Brutus tattooed on my leg, which I guess is in my house when I am. Does that count?

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