Saturday Morning Coffee with Laura

Read time: 3 mins

Innovator and surfer Laura tells us about her glorious seaside life with her handsome tiger Wellington Boots, known by friends and family as Welly.

Tell us the story of Welly, how did you guys meet?

I was training to cycle from London to Paris with work, and put it this way… I’m not a natural cyclist. So I used to make my training rides have an objective. Like cycling from London to Sussex to visit my parents. Or cycling the long way round for a pub lunch. Or visiting some newborn kittens on the other side of London. Yes. That’s how it happened. Welly was the most confident of his litter, a tiny stripy boy. I fell in love with him immediately and went back (with a car) a few weeks later to bring him home. The other side to this story is that I was quite newly living alone for the first time following a big break up. Welly helped mend a part of my heart and I think he’s extra special to me because of it. We lived the single lifestyle together for a while before I met my new partner who Welly is OBSESSED with. I’m not one bit bitter about that.

If you could do anything for work in the world, what would it be and why?

I get energy from bringing new things into the world – so my career in Innovation makes lots of sense. If I could do anything, I’d probably do this with more of my own ideas. Or I’d run a surf bar on a remote beach in Asia. That would also be great.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

I recently moved to the coast, so now my Saturday Mornings start on Wednesday when I start getting a realistic view of the surf conditions I can expect by Saturday morning. If the surf’s up, we’ll be up and out asap, into our wetsuits, snaffling a cereal bar and homemade skinny flat white to-go on the way to the beach. We’ll go for proper coffee and brunch (mine’s a halloumi wrap) at Yallah in St Ives afterwards and enjoy that post-surf zen.

Welly catching some rays

What’s the main thing you look forward to on a Saturday?

Getting out into the water and trying to catch some waves! If there’s no surf, we try to get a swim in regardless (in bikinis because that’s the best way to get those cold water endorphins). Oh, and going to our favourite restaurants – hit up Source Kitchen in St Ives if you’re ever in the area.

If you had £5 to spend on anything over a weekend, what would you buy and why?

With winter on its way, I’ll put it towards a ticket for a film at Newlyn Filmhouse – a cute little cinema in the fishing village near us.

What’s your Saturday anthem?

Sunlight (ft Years and Years), The Magician – it’s the perfect vibe to hype you up before a surf.

Have you always loved cats? Did you always know you were a cat person?

I was raised with chocolate labradors – sweet angels sent from the gods. I believed I was a dog person through and through. When I left home and moved to London, I wanted some company but realised a dog was highly impractical so chose a cat. It made me realise that cats are very very special, and I haven’t looked back since.

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