Saturday Morning Coffee with Kara

Read time: 2 mins

Kara is a cat person through and through, born into a family of cat folks. We got talking about Oscar and Kara’s Saturday morning rituals.

Tell us the story of Oscar, how did you guys meet?

I had been pestering my husband for a kitten for years and finally he caved! It was a couple of days before my birthday and I was out for breakfast with a friend when my husband called me to say I had to come home. I was really worried something had happened, and when I saw his mum’s car in the drive I really panicked. I got into the house and he was acting really weird and sent me to the living room…sat on the sofa was the tiniest little ball of ginger fluff, Oscar! It was love at first sight and still is 4 years later.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

I usually get up and check to see if Oscar is still in bed or if he’s off exploring! If he’s out I’ll go shout him in from the garden (I know, obsessed) and then we’ll have breakfast together, I generally opt for a bagel and coffee. Usually then we’ll snuggle on the sofa until my husband wakes up!

Do you have a Saturday anthem?

Spice up your life!

Have you always loved cats? Did you always know you were a cat person?

Yes! My parents are both cat people and once they got married, they got Chilli. He was my favourite playmate when I was younger but sadly he died in my early teens. We decided to get another family cat, a Ragdoll cross called Molly and she used to sleep in my bed with me. She was still around until April this year when we sadly had to say goodbye. Being true cat people, Mum and Dad have already got another kitten, and not long after me and my husband got Oscar! 

We want to know more about Oscar, does he live life to any kind of schedule?

He loves a routine and usually starts his day with a morning explore outside, checking on the local wildlife and making sure all the neighbours are up (including going into their houses just to make sure). He’s a typical tom cat, but always comes home for breakfast and to supervise me in the shower. Then he’ll tend to have a nap for an hour or so after I leave for work. He’ll then spend most of the day hanging out with the local wildlife and playing with his cat friend next door, returning only for cuddles and snacks by knocking at the window or door. He does have a cat flap, but why use it when humans are home?! He greets me at the door when I get home from work, will have some dinner and then more naps. He likes to play with us in the living room until bedtime.

What’s the coolest cat person thing you have in your house?

Oscar thinks he’s a human and refuses to drink water from a bowl like a regular cat, so he has his very own cat glass.

Oscar looking extremely handsome

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