Saturday Morning Coffee with Cindy

Read time: 2 mins

Picture it, the sun is gleaming, temperatures have hit 28 degrees in London – I met with Cindy in a converted Vespa repair shop (now a charming cafe and bar) in Waterloo to natter about cats. What a way to spend a Thursday. Here’s what she had to say:

Tell us the story of your cats, how did you guys meet?

I have Custard Cream and Ginger Biscuit – Custard and Ginger for short. I rescued them back in 2016 when they were just 3 months old – they were found down the side of a garage and not in a good condition. 11th March was my ‘gotcha day’. We also have a rescue pup called Gizmo, who we got from Battersea.

What’s your typical Saturday morning routine?

I honestly don’t have one; my weekends always look so different depending on if my husband is working nights or not. The only thing which is consistent is the 5am wake up call to feed Custard and Ginger. Oh and coffee. First thing in the morning I’ve got to have coffee. At around 11am I’ll maybe have some toast (which Custard and Ginger try to steal) – so I’ll have an audience whilst eating.

What’s your dream in life?

Honestly? To open a rescue centre for all animals who need help. I’d love to do that, but I’d need to win the lottery first. But I can see it; there’d be a huge plot of land where we’d build a house to live in, then around that a dedicated area for each animal (cats, dogs) then stables for horses, donkeys, goats. If they needed rescuing I’d take them in, that’s the plan. I guess the name would be something like ‘Custard and Ginger’s Rescue’ – they were the start of my rescue journey after all.

How did you know you were a cat person?

I grew up around all kinds of animals: dogs, cats, fish, horses, guinea pigs. When I left home I needed cats in my life. I missed the unconditional love of a cat so I’ve had them ever since. I couldn’t imagine my life without Custard and Ginger.

Captured: Custard (left) and Ginger (right) having a cuddly snooze. Altogether now “awwwwwww”

What’s Custard and Ginger’s favourite snack (which they probably shouldn’t have)?

Cheese and sliced ham

Do they sleep in their bed? Where’s their favourite place to snooze?

They actually love their beds (I know, shocker) – in the winter they’ll curl up in a yin yang position together which is extremely cute!

You can chat to Cindy and fellow cat folks in our wonderful Facebook Community.

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